Sunday, 11 December 2016

Citadel C34 Elementals: Finished!

Greetings all.

I've reached a kind of mini milestone today, in that I've finished my C34 Elementals at last! I've been putting it off for ages, mostly because I don't like the last one in the set (Life Elemental) and I didn't want to paint her. But paint her I did:

I didn't enjoy this one, and I'm not overly happy with the end product, but she is finished, and the collection is complete!

That's a little project done and dusted before the end of the year, so I'm happy! A few more bits for Frostgrave still to finish, and then it's on to Blood Bowl!


  1. Sweet! She turned out lovely mate, you should be pleased with that, and how cool to have the set!

    1. Thanks brother! Although I'm not over the moon with her, I am delighted to now have the complete set painted :)

  2. Cheers dude! Glad to have em all done!

  3. AMAZING WORK! Those are some of the absolute classics. So glad you posted this.

    1. Thanks man :) I'm really happy to have the complete collection painted now!
