Greetings all.
So it's been a long time since I bothered to update this blog. I'm blaming it on having a small person around now, but mostly it's just because I got lazy. I've also let the domain lapse, so none of the old links to this blog will work... I think I'll just keep it hosted on Blogger for the time being, but I will be making more of an effort to update.
Despite having a miniature human to look after, I have actually managed to squeeze in a bit of time here and there to paint other miniatures, and even play a game or two. I'll do a bit of a picture dump of all the things I've painted this year, with a few words to accompany. My total painted is nothing compared to previous years, but frankly it is a lot better than I had expected.
First up, the re-release of Blood Bowl got me all excited, and since I'd long since sold my old team, I had to paint a new one. Obviously by "new", I mean "old". As I hadn't played in a while, and was therefore rubbish, I went with the classic starter team: Orcs!
Despite first getting into BB in 3rd edition, the 2nd edition Orcs were always my favourite, and I knew I had to have a team. So I present "Never Mind the Orruks":
I've added plenty of extra bits and hangers-on to the team, with a few more to come I think.
I also painted a greater daemon of Malice from the Pantheon of Chaos range. This was a very generous gift from my brother-in-lead, Alex:
Most of the rest of my painting time has been occupied by getting my Nurgle army up to scratch to play some Age of Sigmar. I know some veterans may not approve, but it really is a fun game, plus all of my Daemons are round based for 40k anyway, so it just makes sense. I added a lot more Daemons to what I already had, and painted a few Skaven Pestilens allies to hang out with them. These weren't all painted this year, but I did take some better pictures of my stuff, so it's all mixed in:
That's pretty much it for this year. I've got a few bits and pieces on the table currently, and lots in the pipeline (not the least of which is a bunch of old stuff for the new Necromunda). If I can stick to the plan of blogging a bit more then you might even get to see it...
Till next time!
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