Wednesday, 18 January 2023

2022 Hobby Retrospective

 Greetings all.

It's that time of year again. I'm actually a bit behind on posting some of my new stuff so I'll dump it at the end of this post just to bring everything up to date.

It's been a mediocre year in terms of life and general enjoyment of it, but actually an excellent year in terms of painting output. I've even played a few fun games along the way as well, so not bad at all. In total I painted 171 minis in 2022, which is my best year yet in terms of quantity. There are a few that I'm particularly proud compared to earlier efforts too, so I'd also rate it my highest in terms of quality. Very pleased overall.

My resolutions for 2022 and my progress against them are below:

Paint a Nurgle BB team (kindly gifted to me for my Birthday by my good buddy Alex)

Completely smashed this one right at the start of the year!

Paint my Untamed Beasts for Warcry. I've got several cobbled together warbands I could use, but I'd really like to have a "proper" one.

Flawless victory here as well. I've even managed to have a couple of games with these guys.

Paint some Necromunda Orlocks. Again I've got plenty I could use for Necro, but I'd love a proper house gang. These will no doubt see use in Stargrave as well.

No progress on this one. Necromunda kinda fizzled out but I would like to get to them before long.

Paint a Goblin BB team. Now that I've finished my Skaven, it seems silly not to have an Underworld team too, so I'm gonna paint up a whole Goblin team and mash them together as needed.

I made some really good progress on these right at the end of the year. Should manage to have them done in early 2023.

Probably start on the massive pile of Kill Team terrain I have laying about.

Kinda forgot about this!

Ok so not terrible as far as progress. I have done a huge amount of other stuff as you'll see below:

January kicked off the year with a couple odd bits to get the juices flowing:

In February I finished off my Nurgle Blood Bowl team and painted some long-neglected cultists:

In March I painted a little warband for a 40k/Stargrave style bash, plus a few other Nurgle bits:

In April I painted up my Untamed Beasts for Warcry, plus a few more Nurgle bits:

May was spent assembling various bits, and in June I painted a whole bunch of Nurgle bits for AoS and 40k:

In July I painted up some additions to my Skaven team, some additions to my Untamed Beasts, and of course some Nurgle bits:

August was spent painting up my first Mordheim warband:

September was mostly spent assembling my Goblin team for BB, but I also painted one extra mook for my Mordheim warband:

In October I started my Realm of Warcry warband and added a Plague Cart to my Mordheim warband, plus of course some more general Nurgle bits:

In November I painted more of my Realm of Warcry warband, plus some more Nurgle daemons:

Finally in December I painted another member of my Realm of Warcry warband, a couple random minis for Mordheim and Necromunda, a bloody massive Great Unclean One, and made a start on my Goblin Blood Bowl team!

And with that I think I'm up to date! Painting wise it's been my best year yet. Although I haven't really been blogging about it as much as I'd like, I've been making good progress.

Edit: I completely forgot to add some "resolutions" this time around. There's plenty of stuff that I'd like to get to and ideas that I have swimming around in my head, but I think I'll keep it realistic:

  1. Paint the rest of my goblin team and enough extra bits and star players to make an Underworld Denizens team too.
  2. Paint my 3rd edition Orc team for BB
  3. Paint my now pretty huge collection of Scavvies
  4. Paint all of my mounting collection of Darkoath. Essentially these are for Warcry, but they'll make useful generic barbarians (alongside my Untamed Beasts) for various other settings as needed.
  5. Paint up the last of my Warcry terrain.
  6. As a stretch goal, make a start on my Cursed City box. I don't expect I'll get it done this year even if I do manage to make a start, but it would be good to make a start on it if possible.


  1. Quite an impressive amount of miniatures finished! They look great! And the ideas for this coming year sound good as well - best of luck to you.

    1. Much appreciated thank you! And yes I think I’ve been realistic in my goals for this year, provided I don’t get too distracted (either by real life or other minis) I should be able to achieve them. They should be some cool projects too.
