Tuesday, 29 December 2015

2015 in review

Greetings all.

It's the time of year where I look back over my progress and usually weep at the lack of it, but actually this year has been quite a productive one, hobby-wise.

My goal for this year was to paint 100 models, and I'm pleased to say that I've surpassed that target, with a total of 115! Not as many as some other bloggers that I've seen, but I'm satisfied.

Here's a run down of everything:

Phew! Doesn't look all that bad when I lay it all out like that!

I did also set myself the goal of playing 40 games this year, and that...didn't happen... I think I managed about 10 games in total. Not impressive. However, I was introduced to Rogue Trader, which was a blast! 

Plans for 2016 are: paint even more models than this year, and play a bunch of games! On the table next are the rest of my Word Bearer cultists, and a second edition Orc blood bowl team... After that, my big project is to actually make some progress on my Khorne Daemonkin army!

A pretty good year for me, and looking forward to the next one!


  1. Nice haul Brother, and all to a super standard I must say. With you on the 'more games in 2016' vibe, fingers crossed eh? ;-)

  2. Very nice crop of figures. Classy paints on all of them. Good work!

    1. Cheers dude! Hoping to do even better next year!

  3. Well done on all that painting, much better than I could manage! You have a nice range of figures too, and a mix of GW periods which makes browsing through you work most rewarding. I love the face work you have done on the Space Santa. Very sharp and clear.

    1. Thanks for the comments :) it's definitely an eclectic mix for sure, and only going to be more so next year! More cultists on the way, mostly old necromunda and confrontation figures, then a second edition Orc team for blood bowl, followed by a bunch of very old and quite new stuff for my Khorne army. Oh and probably some RT stuff mixed in there too!

  4. Well done sir, I myself fell short of the 100 model count (damned Eldar) honestly your stuff looks great and has such a nice petina to it the fact that you are a chaos supporter well that just speaks to your high calibre of a person.
    Really enjoyed the heretical inquisitor project, nurgle fliers and Ambul.
    All the best in 2016

    1. Ha that brought a smile to my face! Glad you like em, there'll be more RT/Inquisitor stuff to come this year!

  5. Great work brother, I salute you :D
