Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Where am I and what am I working on? (Part Two)

Greetings all.

Those of you who read my blog will know that I've been a little quiet recently. It's simply because real life keeps giving me grown up things to be getting on with instead of painting my beloved toy soldiers. We're moving house this coming weekend at there's still a million things to do. As you might expect, packing up the flat has put something of a dent in painting and modelling time...

I have managed to get on with a little bit though, just to keep my oar in before we get to the new place and unpack everything.

It's not much to see, but I did snap a pic of what I've been working on over the last week:

Yeh, it's an awful picture, I know. What you can (just about) see there are two squads of Daemonettes (10 a piece), with converted command groups, and a Tzeentch Herald on foot. I was originally going to have these in my army list, but I think I'm going to try summoning them in and see how it goes. Still haven't had a chance to play a game of Seventh Edition, but I intend to rectify that soon.

Not much to go on I know, but comments are welcome!


  1. The graduating class of the Slaanesh School for Wayward Girls... now chock full of poise and charm, looking to make friends and spread the good news.

    1. The certainly are charming! 1st edition daemonettes are gorgeous, only rivalled by the excelled Juan Diaz versions.
