Welcome to my final post of 2014!
This has actually been a pretty good year for me hobby-wise. I've painted exactly 80 models (of various shapes and sizes), which is damn good going by my standards.
Not the best picture I know, but I think you get the idea. Everything you see there, bar the boards, was painted this year. To give you a run down, that is:
- Great unclean one
- Nurgle daemon prince
- 16 flesh hounds
- Portalglyph
- Khorne herald on juggernaut
- 12 1st edition horrors
- Slaanesh daemon prince
- 12 2nd edition horrors
- 14 screamers
- Nine familiars
- Three rocky outcrops
- Two tzeentch heralds on discs
- Three flamers
- Chaos bastion
- Be'lakor
- Fateweaver
- Tzeentch herald on foot
Phew, not bad! I'm pleased with my progress so far, but there is so much to do in the next year :S
My goals for 2015 are:
- Paint 100 models! Specifically that is: 40 daemonettes, eight or so nurgling bases, 20 cultists, two soul grinders, three plague drones, khorne daemon prince (forge world), tzeentch daemon prince, slaanesh daemon prince, chaos knight... Plus a bunch of other stuff that I haven't quite decided on yet.
- Play at least 40 games. I've done a lot of painting this year, but not played nearly enough games. Gotta rectify that in 2015.
- Expand my daemons. I've got about 1850 points fully painted at the moment, but I want to paint a whole bunch more to give me options for different lists. I might also mix things up with some unexpected allies (orks, necrons, maybe even "crone world" style eldar or radical space marines like the Relictors).
- Make a start on my chaos marines/renegades & heretics. I haven't quite decided which yet, but either way they'll work well as allies to my beloved daemons.
So all in all, not a bad year. Roll on the next one!