Thursday 8 October 2020

Accidental Warcry warbands

 Greetings all.

I haven't posted in a while, mostly because I haven't done much in the way of painting. I've been assembling a few bits and bobs, but that's not very exciting to look at. I did paint one thing, which I'll show you below.

What I have done is cobble together two Warcry warbands from models that I already had painted. I haven't actually played much Warcry, but everyone seems to love it, and if the world ever returns to normal I'll give it a bash.

Anyway here's my Nurgle warband:

And my Khorne warband:

I've also got a cool Gorehound model that I'm gonna add to these at a later date for an alternative leader.

Whilst I was messing around with my Bloodletters, I finally decided to convert an icon bearer for them, to bring the unit up to 10. I had a few odd broken bits from the original lot of Bloodletters, so I pinned them together and added a modern Khorne icon:

Till next time.