Greetings all.
A somewhat odd post from me today... if any of you follow my good buddy Alex's blog Leadballoony you might have seen his efforts in building a Realm of Chaos/Warcry mashup warband. Essentially rolling up a champion and followers in the hallowed tomes of the Lost and the Damned and Slaves to Darkness, and then translating this to modern minis and rules.
A few weeks ago I suggested to my fellow geeks that we should at some point do a "Tale of Four Gamers" style slow grow project. Everyone immediately jumped on it as a good idea, and Alex suggested that we hop on his Realm of Warcry bandwagon and build warbands on a monthly basis, with the occasional game in between. Given that this is obviously a brilliant idea, that is exactly what we did!
We got together on Zoom to roll up our initial warbands, and either by fate or personal choice we all ended up with Nurgle as our patron. My champion and initial clutch of followers are as below:
- Orc Champion of Nurgle - Very long legs, Nurgling infestation
- 2 Orcs
- 1 Dark Elf
- 1 Cold One
- 3 Beastmen
- 6 Dwarfs