Saturday, 21 February 2015

Hobby update, a big one!

Greetings all.

Well it's been a little while since I posted (again)... I've had a lot of not so great real life stuff going on recently, but this little blog of mine isn't about real life, it's about toy soldiers (which are much more enjoyable). With that said, I have an update for you...

First up, I got the rest of my cultists ready for painting:

More old school goodness here, and more Necromunda goodies too. From left to right: classic beastman, Necromunda Wyrd, Confrontation Scavvy, Necromunda Pit Slave, and Necromunda Scavvy. Some minor conversion work here once again, using bits from the plastic Chaos Cultists. I'm well pleased with how this motley crew have turned out and I can't wait to get some paint on them!

I've also been experimenting with a bit of green stuff press moulding. I've had a headless flesh hound sitting around for some time, and as these chaps have been out of production for more than a few years, it's a little tricky to find a replacement. So I came up with a solution! It's the first time I've done any press moulding so it isn't perfect, but it came out better than expected so I'm rather pleased:

Lastly, as I'm constantly tinkering with my army list (so I can crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women. Obviously.), it gives me reasons to paint more models. My most recent iteration meant that I needed a handful more horrors, plus a few additions to my fast attack choices:

I painted this little lot up pretty quickly by my standards, but I'm pretty happy with them. Since painting these guys, I've actually tinkered further, so I need to paint up a few more dudes, but such is life!

Comments are welcome of course!


  1. Love the old Necromunda range. Good job on the GS press mold - I gave that a go a way back to try and replace a couple of Marine backpacks but alas... =(

    Nice colour on the Screamers too!


    1. Cheers dude. Yeh I'm well pleased with the press moulding. It was a bit of an experiment but it turned out well. I even managed to preserve the mould in case I need it again :)

  2. Great seeing you again brother! Hope real life sorts itself mate :)

    The cultists are brilliant and I can't wait to see paint them! Press mould = wow, great result :) this opens up a lot of possibilities regarding the ranges you operate in. Looking forward to it brother :)

    1. Thanks brother! Yeh real life can be a pain, especially when it encroaches on toy soldier time! I'm so pleased with the cultists that they've actually moved up the painting list a few places ;)

  3. Press moulding looks great, Ross. You should be pleased with it. Looking forward to seeing the cultists painted up!

    1. Thanks man :) yeh it came out much better than expected actually. Look out for some painted cultists pretty soon too!
