Friday 15 May 2020

Pact to the Future: Big Guys and Renegades

Greetings all,

It's been a little while again, I know, but I'm sure you're all used to that by now. In the fairly limited hobby time I have these days I've still been working away at my Chaos Renegades (Pact) Blood Bowl team. I fairly sensibly decided to get the boring human renegades out of the way first, so I've been able to work on the more interesting players that make up the team.

One of the key selling points for the Chaos Renegades team is the ability to have up to three (different) Big Guys. Unfortunately they're unskilled and unreliable, and fuck everything up all the time, but when they do actually do as they're told, it's great. Plus this is another excuse to use a bunch of cool models from 2nd edition Blood Bowl.

First up is the Minotaur, Beefcake the Mighty:

This is one of those weird Bob Olley sculpts I think, where you cant tell what anything is until you paint it, and then it looks cool.

Next up is the Ogre, Blöthar the Berserker (who btw is tiny compared to the modern Ogre!):

Last of the Big Guys is the Troll, Balsac the Jaws of Death. He's another wobbly Bob Olley sculpt that made no sense until it was finished, and then looked really cool:

With the big lads done, I moved on to the other flavour of the team, the Renegades. 

First up, the Dark Elf (and my only hope of scoring a touchdown), Sexecutioner:

The last of this bunch is the Goblin, Scroda Moon:

And here's the team so far:

On the whole I'm pleased with how they came out, and it's nice to be making some progress, albeit pretty slow. Progress is progress though, and I've been putting off starting this lot for ages now.

Till next time!

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